Monday, May 24, 2010

Lover of my soul

Acrylics in Canvas/Prophetic Painting- Abide in me

My favorite book of the bible is Songs of Solomon. I love it because I am a romantic at heart and in this book romance is used to describe the journey to an intimate union with our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord tells us to love Him with all our body, mind and spirit. It does not happen all at once. I believe that there are levels of that union that grow with our spiritual maturity.
The book shows in the romantic story how the Shulamite falls in love and how her union with her lover grows as she experiences Him. The same is true of us. We accept the Lord as our Savior and we start seeing His work in our lives and as part of the experience we grow more intimate and in closer union with Him.
The Lord is looking for those who love Him. He wants to share His will and heart with those that want to be one with Him. The Shulaminte is a seeker and she longs for a fuller experience of Jesus. I think the Lord loves all of us but those who seek Him and want to go deeper with Him are few. It is a choice we make!
We can enjoy the Lord with our mind and our emotions and never understand what it is to be one in the spirit with Him. Complete union with Him is our final destination.
Join me this summer, as I go on a journey to a more intimate union with my lover. Make Songs of Solomon your romantic reading of the summer.