My love for pomegranates drove me to design a pomegranate pendant that will be showcase in the launch of my website tomorrow (5/22/15).
God has always used pomegranates to speaks to me about His heart.
Pomegranates speak of promises of God as they were part of the fruits found in the promise land. The Lord included pomegranates to describe the goodness of the land He had promised (Deut8:6-8) and when the spies returned after scouting the land they brought pomegranates back to demonstrate the fertility of the land (Numbers 13:23).
The Lord felt the fruit was significant enough that He instructed Moses to embroider pomegranates in the priestly garment wore by the High Priest to enter the Holy of Holies. The pomegranates were embroidered at the bottom of the robe (Exodus 28:33-34). The Lord revealed to me through this beautiful fruit that we bear fruit as a result of being in the presence of the Lord.
The Lord also showed me that engraved pomegranates were part of Solomon’s temple as a decoration above the pillars found in 1 King 7:13-22. These pillars were named by Solomon and their names are very significant. The name of one the pillars was Jachin which means "He will establish" and the other was named Boaz which means "In Him is strength". The Lord showed me that in His strength we are established and these hold the pomegranates that represent His heart, His promises and the fruitfulness as we understand what the Father is saying to us.
Also it is said that King Solomon designed His crown based on the crown of the pomegranate. We are royalty and we are the sons and daughter of a King. The pomegranates have inspired royalty and it should reminds us of our inheritance in the Lord.
Last but not least is the revelation found in Song of Songs! The Lord describes His Beloved's temples (mind) behind the veil as pomegranates. The Beloved finds strength and is established (just like the two columns in Solomon’s temple) in the Lord. We are established by the renewing of our minds. When our minds become like the mind of Christ we are fruitful and our minds are full of seeds we can spread to the world around us. Our minds are compared to pomegranates as our minds are renewed to think like Christ. It is really important that we recognize who we are in Christ to step into the amazing promises God has for us. A renewed mind is full of true thoughts of who God really is and the reality of who we are in Him. This is how we are able to defeat the arguments and lies of the enemy (2 Cor 10:4-5).
In addition to a symbolic representation of our minds , the Lord speaks in chapter 8 of Song of Songs of the nectar of pomegranates that we get to share with our brothers and sister when we are mature in Him. As we become established in His strength we have renewed minds that are going to be fruitful and as a result we get to share what He has revealed to us with others.
The pendant I designed is intended to remind us of His promises, that we are royalty, where our strength comes from, our fruitfulness is in Him, that we have the mind of Christ and that finally we get to share our nectar with the world.
I pray that you are as in love with pomegranates as I am and be reminded of the rich revelation the pomegranates carry!!