Thursday, February 5, 2015
The power of creativity!!
Creativity is very powerful. It is so powerful the Bible refers to is as a weapon. It is something that can defeat powers!!!
In Zechariah 1:18-21 we find the Lord giving Zechariah a vision of four horns. The Hebrew word for horns is QEREN which figuratively means power. These horns or powers main goal was to scattered the people of God. The amazing part of this vision is that the solution to overcome these powers was the Lord sending four craftsmen. The root word in the Hebrew for craftsmen if the word CHARASH. This means to fabricate to be a craftsman, an artist, someone who creates. The fascinating part of this word is that it also means to be still and at rest!!!
As an artist my best work usually comes from being inspired in the stillness of the presence of God!! The vision then starts to make sense. The power of creativity under the stillness and presence of the Almighty can defeat powers!!! Can you see this vision manifesting in the natural?
Our creations have power. We find in Exodus that the artist that built and design the furnishing in the Tabernacle of Moses were under the influence of the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Wisdom to make their creations(Exodus 31:1-7, 35:30-33). We can reveal the wisdom of God to the people that see our creations. The Spirit of wisdom was with God as He created the world. We are creative beings made in the image of God. We are the only species on Earth that can create. The angels are created beings but they do not create. You see how we have power over the enemy? He is a fallen angel and he can't create. He can corrupt, lie and deceive but not create.
I believe that we can defeat the powers of the enemy with our creations. To create with power, we need the Wisdom of God. What is wisdom (not human wisdom but godly wisdom)? Wisdom is really seeing things from God's perspective. What if we start creating under the influence of the Spirit of God and create under the stillness (charash)and the mighty influence of the Lord almighty? I believe we can change the world one creation at a time because the mighty wisdom gets reveal to those that see our creations.
Like in the case of Solomon, he asked for a very good thing "wisdom" and God was please at his request. Through his accomplishment and life we see all he accomplished through wisdom. Solomon was a man that never had to go to war!!! He revealed power by using his wisdom to build the temple and a kingdom of wealth and wonders that the Queen of Sheba was affected by it. In 1 King 10:6 she expresses that she had heard of his wisdom but did not believe it until she saw it with her own eyes.
Solomon was a poet, a builder, a craftsman who was able to built what God had given his father David. All because he was a wise man.
I am praying for a Revival of creativity. The type of revival where the craftsman are going to create under the influence of the Spirit of God with Wisdom to transform those that see or experience their creations.
We can shift atmospheres with our music, art, photography, writings. If you doubt what I am saying look what Hollywood can do without God and the power it has to shape culture. Imagine now what godly people could create under His wisdom. Lets make this our goal. Lets create for His Glory!!!